President Bush Should be Impeached

October 07, 04 by kenrich

I’m really glad that President Bush tells me the world is much safer. He insists in every speech that he gives that we should feel more secure and relax thanks to the hard work of George Bush.
It’s a good thing I don’t have to worry about kidnappings over in Iraq or how many americans get killed by road-side bombs and suicide attacks. And of course, I don’t have to worry about how many Americans get their heads chopped off or how many of our allies are kid-napped and murdered.

I can see how much safer the world is when I see scores of young children brutally murdered by our own attempts to kill a handfull of Iraqi insurgents by bombing entire buildings. Of course I agree that the insurgents need to be stopped.

I used to wonder why the Iraqi people were so mad at us after all that we did for them. But now I realize that we are just turning their entire country into a battleground. People are missing out on the basic needs that we take for granted. Their are drastic shortages of water, electricity and gasoline. Add to this, that their country has been robbed of their national treasures, parks and security. The insurgents are bread due to the pitiful conditions that they must continually endure.

At the beginning of the war, our fearless president talked about winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. And to that end, the president went about establishing a huge national police force. But he neglected to make sure that peoples basic everyday needs were being met. People are still lacking for food, water, electricity and homes.

George Bush says the world is a much safer place, but what he is really saying is that America is a much safer place. That is, until the world makes a collective decision that the world would be a safer place without America. George Bush has continued to alienate many countries throughout the world, even some of our closest allies have completely lost their respect for us. It is imperitive for our country to make a change and “make right” all of the wrongs we have done.

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